Bruce Springsteen's Stage Magic
Bruce Springsteen knows that there's real magic in great rock & roll performances. And, his job is to assist in creating that magic.

Change or Be Changed
We’re definitely living in interesting times. To keep all this change in perspective, it's helpful to have a vision - and a shaman can provide that vision. . .

Prince, the Ultimate Public Servant
Prince took us on a musical journey to other worlds. . .spreading messages about spirituality, sexuality, and politics throughout his performances - but, there was more. . .

Your film can set Hollywood on fire, if you know what you’ve got
In today’s marketplace, the Big Idea is the single most important indicator of a film’s success. More than even the story - it’s the idea of it all. . .The Big Idea motivates a big audience.

David Bowie's Shaman Eye
I remember being told that when someone has an eye that's distinctly different from the other eye - this was the mark of a shaman. But, what does that actually mean?

What Makes A Great Rock and Roll Star?
Patti Smith has some thoughts on rock and roll stardom that might surprise you.

You Say You Want a Revolution
Just like John Lennon was telling us back in 1968. . .”you got to free your mind instead. . .” A successful revolution can only come from within. . .by truly understanding who you really are.

David Bowie - Shaman's Apprentice
Like a true shaman candidate, David Bowie experienced suffering, trauma, and alienation in his early life. By withstanding these trials, he built the strength and courage necessary to be transformed into a shaman.

Dylan's Epic Shaman Songs
Although much of the rock and roll in the early 1960's focused on adolescent themes with relatively simple lyrics and melodies - Bob Dylan changed everything.

You Might Say I’m A Dreamer. . .
Anthropologists suggest that a significant factor determining whether or not a person becomes a shaman is that from an early age they are dreamers who have out-of-the-ordinary perceptions.

Shamans versus Priests
While conducting research for my documentary, I'm frequently asked about the difference between priests and shamans. While the shaman plays a priest-like role, there are differences between the two.

My Introduction to Shamanism
Looking back, I can see that my interest in shamanism began while reading Carlos Castaneda as a teenager. I was captivated by the stories of his encounters with Don Juan Matus, a Yaqui Indian shaman. . .

Can you choose to become a Shaman?
According to the shamanistic worldview – the universe has three levels – an Upperworld, Middleworld, and an Underworld – and it’s full of spirits. Shamans are adept at traversing these worlds – and contacting and dealing with the spirits they encounter along the way.

What is a Shaman?
Although the word “shaman” originated in Siberia, shamanistic practices exist throughout the world, primarily among indigenous peoples. The practice of shamanism is a method, not a religion – and it coexists with established religions in many cultures.